Relevance & Impact
I care about the real world and doing good in it. I prioritize analysis that allows policymakers to make better informed decisions, and thereby make policy decisions that are more likely to lead to the desired outcome because it is based on an accurate assessment of the situation. I was passionate about writing for The Diplomat because I was motivated to help readers understand world events in real time. I also prioritize analysis that motivates or pressures policymakers to act in more just and responsible ways. Though this was only a one-time opportunity, I enjoyed writing on Japan needing to do more on immigration reform for Debating Japan (CSIS) because this is a pressing issue that deserves greater international scrutiny.
I am inspired when I am doing original work, which requires a mix of creativity and courage. In my line of work, I tend to find that this also means being willing to point out contradictions or difficult trade-offs others ignore, and looking ahead of others at future challenges and opportunities. It was in this spirit that I wrote on the need to recalibrate US and Japanese expectations for the alliance to be more realistic and the impact of Japan’s aging on the functioning of the US-Japan alliance for The Tokyo Review.